Portfolio for Gillian Maffit
Chapter 2

Intro. to CSS Animations

Chapter 2

For this chapter being all about creating animations I was nervous since I have never done anything like this before. However, after reading and walking through creating an animation fromt the textbook it did become easier to understand and I was able to get some important things out of it to keep in mind when creating an animation. When creating a CSS animation you will complete two steps. The first step is setting the animation property, as you will see in the video linked it is bobble but there are other options that you can use as well. The second step is defining the keyframes because they specift how and when the CSS properties get animated, which again can be seen in the video below.

hexagon with smiley face

To the side is my video I have created going over this animation, as well as me changing the timing element to show the affect that has on and animation. This helped me understand how to get an animation to look the way I want as well as go the speed I want. Playing around with that gave me a better understanding of how coding an animation works.