
Home Resumé Education Favorites Requirements Layouts

On this page, you will discover the many changes I have made to my project since the start of it. Also, you can read about other elements that go into making a website, rather than tags and properties as summarized on the previous page. A lot of time and hard work goes into developing HTML and CSS web pages and sites. This page breifly summarizes the journey through the making of this project, My Website.

After receiving back project 1, I was very proud with my score and took action on the feedback that was given. The first error I had corrected was adding the semicolon at the end of each "resumé" in my code to add the accent onto the e. The second error I corrected was changing the property that sets the bullet type of the unordered list on my favorites page. I originally had type="square", then corrected it to style="list-style-type: square". After these two corrected errors, my project 1 was ready to continue with project 2.

Looking at the feedback from project 2, I saw I had to make much more changes than I needed to after project 1. I edited the name of my CSS external style sheet, added a table on my resumé page, and set all closing brackets within the style sheets to be on their own line. Also, I put my div tags to use and added classes once I continued working with styles and started applying layouts to my pages. I moved repeated embedded styles to the external style sheet and edited my class names as well. I also edited my resumé PDF link to open up in a new tab and removed my phone number from the page and PDF, and relative linked the terms on the requirements page to the page they're shown on. My project 2 was then ready for project 3.

For project 3, the additional edits I made was adding CSS layouts to all of my pages, added this page to my website, implemented a proper navigation bar, and linked my terms to their corresponding pages. I added more content to my favorites and requirements pages and incorporated more boxes as well. Working on project 3 provided me with more, needed practice using div tags and allowed me to produce more creative layouts and styles for my website.

The screen and size styling applied in my external style sheet is
only screen with a max-width of 960px. We use the @media rule
to set where your site can be viewed (browser) and what it can be
viewed on while being able to fit that screen correctly (device).

A common theme accross all CSS boxes implemented on my site is that they all are a double border. All boxes have a background color except for the box on my landing page. They consist of different thicknesses, colors, and include different margins and padding.

box styles in code box styles in browser

A relative positioning scheme has been implemented to my boxes on this page, the layouts page.
This content does not go with the normal flow or default positioning of the page. I was able
to customize and play around with the styles to position the boxes myself using positioning
properties such as padding, margins, floats, heights and widths, and more! Also, a static
positioning scheme was applied to my resumé PDF link on my resumé page, as it stands
on its own with the normal flow of the page.

relative positioning in code relative positioning in browser

static positioning in code static positioning in browser

I chose to use CSS layout setups to design the pages of my website. I believe I have more freedom when developing my layouts and applying styles compared to HTML layout setups. Also, creating CSS layouts allowed me to work more with div tags and helped me better understand how they function.

CSS layout code CSS layout in browser

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