Favorite Sites

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The Lax Shop
htpps://www.thelaxshop.com/ - Lacrosse shop to buy gear.
STX Sporting Goods
https://www.stx.com/ - A website to buy lacrosse gear and sticks for both genders as well as hockey gear.
Lacrosse Monkey
https://www.lacrossemonkey.com/ - A website with high quality lacrosse gear on clearance as well as full price.
What is Lacrosse?
https://www.leagueathletics.com/Page.asp?n=45618&org=HENRYLAX - A website that gives you a background on what lacrosse is and includes the history.
Women's Lacrosse Field Diagram and Positions
http://www.sportspectator.com/fancentral/lacrosse_women/guide03.html - A website that gives people who may not understand women's lacrosse insight and a better understanding of how the sport is played.
Mount Union Women's Lacrosse Roster
https://athletics.mountunion.edu/sports/wlax/2020-21/roster - This website tell the current roster of the University of Mount Union Women's Lacrosse team, as well as stats for each player.
Women's Lacrosse Drills
https://www.womenslaxdrills.com/ - This website gives players and coaches helpful drills for positions to help improve skills.
Rules of Womens Lacrosse
https://www.realbuzz.com/articles-interests/sports-activities/article/rules-of-womens-lacrosse/ - This website goes over the rules of the game since men and women lacrosse are played very differently.
OAC Women's Lacrosse
https://www.oac.org/sports/wlax/index - This websites keeps everyone up to date on team in the OAC conference and the standing of how each team is doing.

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http://www.w3schools.com/html - In this tutorial you will learn more about HTML.
Tutorial For Beginners in HTML Writing
https://websitesetup.org/html-tutorial-beginners/ - This is a website to guide you in good HTML writing.
HTML Color Picker
https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ - This is a way for you to find a color you want on your page and get the correct RGB values or hex codes.
HTML Basics
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/HTML_basics - This website goes over what HTML is and some of the basic tags for beginners.
HTML For Beginners: The Easy Way
https://html.com/ - This website is the easiest way to learn HTML.
HTML5 Aside Tag
https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_aside.asp - This website goes over a new tag that is used in the HTML5 layout.
HTML5 Layout
https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_layout.asp - This website goes over all the new tags and the format of HTML5, very useful when learning the new tags and the placement for them.
https://www.htmlhelp.com/ - This website offers various sources for help when coding, including the a HTML validator to make sure codes are correct.
HTML Colors
https://htmlcolors.com/ - This website allows you to find the color you want to add into your code; another option besides the one listed about.

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W3Schools CSS
https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/ - Information about learning CSS.
Starting with HTML + CSS Tutorial
https://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/011/firstcss.en.html - This short tutorial for people who want to start using CSS and have never written in CSS style before.
CSS Tutorials
https://www.htmldog.com/guides/css/ - This website goes over CSS Tutorials for beginners.
What is CSS?
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/First_steps/What_is_CSS - This website lets you know what CSS is and how it is used with HTML.
HTML Styles - CSS
https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_css.asp - This website goes over CSS and the ways CSS can be added to HTML documents.
CSS Website Layout
https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_website_layout.asp - This website goes over the tags and placement for everything when using CSS and gives you a better understanding about the placement.
CSS Navagtion Bar
https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_navbar.asp - This website talks about including a navagation bar on websites and takes you through the steps to set it up.
CSS Tricks
https://css-tricks.com/ - This website provides help in CSS style as well as different font types that can be used for web pages.
Using CSS Stylesheet
https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_web_css.asp - This website covers what a CSS stylesheet is and how to set it up when using it for a website.

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Professional Groups

World Wide Web Consortium
World Wide Web Consortium - This site provides information about HTML standards we follow in this course.
What is the World Wide Web Consortium?
https://www.techopedia.com/definition/4593/world-wide-web-consortium-w3c - This site provides more information about what the World Wide Web Consortium is.
What is Public Relations?
https://www.prsa.org/about/all-about-pr - This website covers more about what public relations is and how it is everywhere!
Why Schools Need Public Relations Professionals
https://scgadv.com/why-schools-need-public-relations/ - This website goes over why it is important to have a public relations professional in schools.
What Public Relations Jobs are in Sports?
https://www.sports-management-degrees.com/faq/what-public-relations-jobs-are-in-sports/ - This website goes over public relations jobs in sports fields to combine my career path and interests.
What is PRSA?
https://www.prsa.org/ - This website explains more about what PRSA is and how joining PRSSA in college can help you get into an national chapter after graduation and helps gain a job in public relations.
What Can You Do With A PR Degree
https://www.marquette.edu/explore/what-can-you-do-with-a-major-in-public-relations.php - This website covers what the out comes can be with a degree in public relations and how there are many options since PR is everywhere.
What is PRSSA?
https://prssa.prsa.org/ - This website discusses the importance of this group and the benefits to help you later on in your career in PR as well as in the future joing a national chapter in PRSA.
Public Relations Internships
https://www.internships.com/public-relations - This page allows you to find internships in the public relations field to gain experience and find groups that may fit your interest for your future.

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This web page was created by Gillian Maffit
Last updated on 03/02/2021